Best way to transfer files online – ProTransfer

Best way to transfer files online - ProTransfer

  Why do you need a file transfer service ?

We all have used or most of us have heard about WeTransfer. A cloud-based file transfer system that allows its users to transfer files by using shareable links or Emails. It is the best way to transfer files online. It can be used to share files of maximum size 2GB which is impossible to do through modern email services.

But surprisingly it got banned in India by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) citing national interest and public interest as the reasons for doing so( read more ). WeTransfer is based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

How to securely transfer files?

There are various technologies that help you to transfer your files without compromising on security. A secured file transfer service implements some standard protocols like:

  • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): SFTP offers encryption of commands and data. It also prevents passwords and sensitive information from open transmission over the network.
  • File Transfer Protocol – Secure (FTPS): FTPS offers encryption and uses an application layer wrapper, known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to enable secure and private communications across a network.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol – Secure (HTTPS): HTTPS secures websites when users are providing sensitive information like credit card numbers or other personal information. The protocol offers multiple layers of data protection including data integrity, encryption, and authentication.

Why do you need to transfer files online securely?

It’s not enough enough to have the capability to move a file from one place to another. Companies today are facing numerous security threats and high competition. To safely and securely move the confidential, business critical data they need a reliable file move program.

The right secure file transfer solution can help an organization facilitate:

  • Data Security – Left unprotected, data in transit or at rest can be a huge risk for a breach. Using secure file transfer protocols safeguards sensitive information and helps avoid data breaches.
  • Automated Processes – File transfer automation helps ensure accuracy and saves time, eliminating the reliance on less accurate and time-consuming manual file transfers.
  • Compliance – Many organizations struggle to meet government- and industry-regulated compliance such as HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, SOX, GDPR, and more. A secure data transfer solution makes facilitating and maintaining compliance easier by providing security monitoring and controls, auditing and reporting capabilities, and more.

So, let’s look at a much better alternative, our own in house developed ProTransfer. The Best way to transfer files online currently is ProTransfer.

ProTransfer - The best way to transfer files online


ProTransfer is developed by Apro IT Solutions that allows users to send files up to 2GB in size. We use Indian servers which reduces the risk of data leaks, theft or third party services using our data. Your data will be put through multiple layers of encryption mechanisms before storing in the server.

Why cloud storage is the best way to transfer files online

ProTrasnfer is completely free to use and is fast and safe. It is also completely mobile responsive so you can access it on any of your internet connected devices.

ProTransfer is built using CodeIgniter, a PHP MVC framework and the font end UI/UX is developed using Bootstrap. The design was made to ease the user experience which is one of the prime factor to consider while designing a web application for a wide group of users.

We uses extremely secure networks so that the files are safe no matter which connection you use. You only have to upload your file to our secure cloud storage and we will handle the rest and give you a link that you can share with your friends that contains the file. Unlike other cloud services like we can hold the data for 7 days on our dedicated servers.

Let’s look at some of the advantages of using Indian servers.

  • Local language and understanding of issue will help in easy maintenance of service and technical support.
  • Due to the near range servers it means less latency issues and with our optimizations it means the latency is much more lower.
  • The website loads faster because of low proximity of data transfer.

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