The Five Fundamentals of your Website’s Home Page


The Must Have Five Fundamentals of Website Home Page

A good landing page or home page should have these five basic elements:

  1. A branding element i.e. the logo
  2. A descriptive element i.e. a title and a description
  3. A call to action i.e. a button
  4. A visualization i.e. a screenshot, video or mood image
  5. A navigation element i.e. a menu

Your Branding Element

This means your logo or logotype. Remember when we talked about How to Brand Your Business? Your brand in this instance, as represented by your logo is an important part of the home page and needs to feature prominently on it.

branding elements in design and development

Branding Elements

This means your logo or logotype. Remember when we talked about How to Brand Your Business? Your brand in this instance, as represented by your logo is an important part of the home page and needs to feature prominently on it.

In most cases, you’ll want to have this on the top-left or top-center of your web design to serve as the visual entry point the very first thing that your readers? eyes gravitate to on page load when your website first loads in their browser.

A Good Description

This means a title that represents your brand and business, along with two to three descriptive sentences to support it. Your title should describe what your business does or what it has to offer the potential client, and the supporting sentences should expand on the title, ideally emphasizing, again, the benefits of your products or services.

Ideally, this should be placed near the top of the home page, perhaps in line with your branding element (if your logo is placed on the top-left) or beneath it (say, if your logo is placed on the top-center).

A Good Call-to-Action

What’s the ONE THING you want someone on your websites home page to do? Think about that after having read the description at the outset and having given a good idea of what you’re all about, you need to give the user a way to get the benefits you’re offering. This is called a call-to-action.

call to action button

Call To Action

For example, if you want readers to get in touch with you, you could provide a link that says:

Get in touch with us now by clicking here!

If you want them to download a free eBook or file, you could say:

Don’t miss out, download a special eBook on the best Restaurants in the New York It’s free!

If you want them to subscribe to a newsletter by filling in a short form, you could say:

Yes! I want to get exclusive health and nutrition tips and tricks by subscribing to your free newsletter!?

These are just a few examples that you can use. For a more in-depth look at how to write great headlines, write good copy, and write persuasive calls-to-action by reading our Guide to Copywriting for Small Business Owners, if you haven’t already.

An Eye-Catching Visual Element

A quality image or photo to complement your branding and description can be a powerful visual tool if used properly. What are some factors to consider when selecting what to put in? These can be:

eye catching visual element

Visual Elements

  1. An image representing your main product or service
  2. A photo representing the emotional effect that what
    you have to offer has (e.g., smiling people doing a specific activity,
  3. A photo or image of the prominent personalities of
    your team

Whichever you decide to implement, make sure that the image you select is a high-quality, high-resolution file.

Sensible and Obvious Website Navigation

The three key things about an intuitive navigation system is that they tell you where you are, and they show you where else you can go.

Website Navigation

Website Navigation

The simplest way to ensure your readers get around your website easily is to place a navigation menu with links to the main sections of your site close to the top of the page, just below the branding (if it’s placed top-center). You’ll want to make it obvious to the user that the links are unique and in fact clickable. Make sure that these links are visually different from the regular text content for the rest of the site.

For more information about fundamentals of website home page refer,  Graybox PDX.

Source: New feed

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