Create Facebook Lead Ad Campaigns That Convert in 2020

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Facebook ads to lead generation

The first thing that comes into most people’s mind when they hear social media is Facebook. It is one of the largest social media platforms on the Internet. So, it comes as no surprise that most businesses have a Facebook page. This is because 95% of adults between 18 and 35 have a tendency to follow brands on social media. Facebook has 2.2 billion active monthly users.

There are different ways in which you can take advantage of Facebook for marketing your business. But all these methods need to have one key important thing. That is, you need to be active on Facebook. You can post contents, share photos, videos, run promotions do live videos etc.…

Most of these marketing strategies are free and doesn’t require you to pay a dime. But if you want more reach then you need to run advertisements on Facebook that actually require you to pay from your wallet. This money can be redeemed easily with effective advertisements that makes users to buy your product.

Facebook ads will deliver high ROI ( which is Return on Investment. But not all ads will be successful. You need to have a basic idea of what and how to run an ad which will guarantee you a profit.

Set Your Goal

You need to have a basic idea of why you are running the ad. Determining the goal is the first step before creating ad. If you are a business the goal of the ad is to have more sales, if you are running for a website then the goal is to have more visitors to your site. Another reason for determining the goal first is because the first thing Facebook asks while trying to create a campaign is why you are running the ad.

There is an option for lead generation in new campaign. This option helps you to collect information about Facebook users who are interested in your business.

One of the nice things about lead generation campaign is that you can conduct split test while running it. Split testing is basically having one ad run while testing the same ad with modifications. For making it easier to understand, you need to know about A/B testing. A refers to the actual ad running. B is the same ad but with different objects, say bigger button, smaller heading, different font etc. The B part can be run separately from the A part. We can see if the changes we made improves our lead or not and depending on that we can chose whether to import this to the A part and run on our actual ad or not.

There is an alternative method for generating leads in the awareness column. Selecting brand awareness shows your ad to people who are likely to pay attention to your message or rather people who generally view your products or similar ones. A reach campaign will expose the ad to maximum number of people who may or may not have any interest in your products or business.

Identify your audience

It doesn’t matter if your business is small or huge what matters is knowing who your audience is. It is the first step in creating any business. This helps you to target the ad to those audience that matters.

audience researchFor example, let’s say your business sells beauty products, you don’t want to show these ads to someone who is browsing for games. Showing the ads to these audience is not going to increase your revenue and there is no guarantee they are even going to be interested in it. But instead if you focus your ad to show to the audience who wants to buy beauty products there is a higher chance for you get revenue.

Set your budget

After selecting target market, the next step is to determine how much money you are willing to spend on your ad. You can either choose daily amount or lifetime amount i.e. the amount you are willing to spend in total.

facebook ads budgetFacebook automatically shares the ad based on opportunities. That is you will be charged based on each impression. You can also set a start and end date for your campaign or make it run indefinitely until you manually turn it off.

Choose the format for ad

Facebook lets you chose the type of ad from a list of options. They are:

  • Video
  • Image
  • Collection
  • Carousel
  • Slideshow
  • Canvas

ad types in facebookNow to explain what these are. Video and image are…well they are self-explanatory. Collection is like a shopping catalog. It displays different items from your product catalog. Based on what you sell and the target market, the items will be customized for each person.

This is good as a marketing strategy or for sales and conversion. But this is not a lead generation strategy.

Each carousel supports 10 items. They can be videos or images. Each carousel will have different links.

Slideshows are your typical presentations. They use images, texts and sound to showcase your ad.

Canvas ads are full screen ads and are fully optimized for mobile devices. Since most people use mobiles to browse the internet and visit social media sites these mobile ads are Facebook’s highest source of revenue.

Each format has certain rules too. You can’t just post a 10 hour video as an ad or huge billboard size image as an image ad.

Placement of ads

facebook ads placementNext step is to determine where you want to show your ad. Show ad as a mobile newsfeed, desktop newsfeed or right column advertising bar. You can test which is better by using the split testing mentioned before.

Another way to get lead generation is by advertising on Instagram. Instagram is owned by Facebook which means you can run the same ad on both platforms without using any third party sites or software.



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